Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tomorrow is May Day. Cute flowers will be in full bloom and there will be a feeling of goodwill all around the place. Is it not a great feeling when you walk through an avenue and the soft breeze rustles the leaves above your head? I feel like staying in that sort of a state for ever.

May Day also brings in the season of weddings. Lovely couples walking up to the altar, their faces lit up with the radiance of spring, their eyes twinkling with the hope of a life full of love, what a sight!

What better way to wish your friends with these cute May Day cards? They can speak more than words and your message will definitely reach across in the way you want: cute and sweet! So click away and see the difference...

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posted by Julia at Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Hi all! April Fool’s day is not far away and you must be busy going through the steps, fine-tuning your already chalked-out plans. While listening on a friend’s plans to fool her husband, the simplicity of her plan and the romantic tinge linked with it really left me impressed. That is when it struck me that April Fool’s Day pranks need not necessarily be cruel or disturbing.

Think out of the box. What is it that your friend finds cute? What is it that will make him or her grin even if she realizes that you have pulled a prank on her? Be simple in your approach. Shower your warm wishes on your friends and family by means of April Fool’s Day cards and April Fool’s day greetings. Pulling a prank is not entirely necessary to make your loved one feel that you remember him or her on the day.

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posted by Julia at Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Folks… with April Fool’s Day around the corner, I’m sure most of you must be gearing up to play that April Fool’s Day prank or April Fool’s Day joke on your mates! I don’t see any wrong in that but a note of caution needs to be sounded before you get down to it.

The best April Fool's Day jokes are those that are simple and easy to carry out. Like slipping some of those anti-shoplifting strips into the jaket pocket of your victim. However, pulling pranks is not everyone’s cup of tea. Lots of things need to be kept in mind before you get on with your April Fool’s Day tricks. The primary and the most important fact you have to keep in mind before you let go of your April Fool’s Day pranks or April Fool’s Day jokes is that it must not cause physical harm or too much emotional distress. So guys… don’t play practical April Fool’s Day jokes on your pals! After all, the victim is a loved one and he or she should not be put through an experience that will drive a wedge between the two of you. Keep it simple and innovative. Don’t forget that your relationship is more important than the fun you are deriving.

Cheering your friend in the aftermath is your responsibility too. Make him or her feel special by sending across April Fool’s Day cards and April Fool’s Day ecards. Your victim-friend must not get the feeling that he or she has been dealt a raw deal by insensitive friends.

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posted by Ron Jones at Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Hello guys! Life is not always about having fun time and then getting back to work. It has a greater meaning. Have you ever thought about as to what can be the most tempting yet tender way to buy a smile to your loved ones? Do you know which is the most beautiful aspect of every emotion? No matter what bond you share with your friends or close ones, a cute wish stands out to be the best way to convey one’s emotion without much voicing.

A cute wish not only makes our day but also brings across a loving message with loads of warmth from those who have a special position in our lives. Every relation, whether it is friendship, romance, siblings, family or even associates, cute wishes make the bond even stronger than ever by spelling its magic of lovability.

You guys seem to be quite perked up with the idea of making your loved ones feel all the more special by sending them some cute wishes, don’t you? So what’s puzzling you so much now? Oh…I got it right I guess. And I do have the solution for it. Hey, why don’t you guys try out those cute e-cards from free greetings and send some cute wishes to your loved ones without any effort. I guess you would surely love them as soon as you start browsing through the site.

I’ll be back soon with some more cute yet contemporary ideas for you. Till the next…take care. See you guys soon!

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posted by Julia at Thursday, February 15, 2007